friendsoftypo3/phpstan-typo3 dependents (69) Order by: name | downloads Show: all | require | require-dev

  • PHP


    Bootstrap Package delivers a full configured frontend theme for TYPO3, based on the Bootstrap CSS Framework.

  • PHP


    Provides third party libraries to be used in non-composer mode. The following libraries are embedded: hashids/hashids, erusev/parsedown.

  • PHP


    Provides console commands and an API to interact with Bexio resources and emits events when invoices get paid.

  • PHP


    TYPO3 extension providing content elements powered by container and bootstrap. Available elements: container, columns, tabs, accordion, tile unit, card, randomizer and slider.

  • PHP


    This extension is intended to make websites GDPR compliant by not rendering data critical content by default. Instead a placeholder message is shown helping the user to understand the legal context. Requires the bootstrap package.

  • PHP


    Provides a module to easily configure main aspects from a website.

  • PHP


    Frontend messenger provides a plugin to send emails to frontend users. Recipients can be compiled by help of a flexible filter.

  • PHP


    Typically used to manage group events in sport clubs. Members can easily register and unregister for events and trainers might notify participants by email. Provides a table-, list- and detail view from events.

  • PHP


    Extension to create websites using bootstrap. It builds upon the bootstrap_package from Benjamin Kott and increases functionality by supporting the following extensions: container_elements, news, eventnews, tt_address

  • PHP


    This TYPO3 distribution provides a sample website using bootstrap and the extensions pizpalue and container_elements. The distribution tailors Swiss market featuring German as default language and additional translations to French, English and Finnish.

  • HTML


    TYPO3 extension providing content elements powered by gridelements and bootstrap. Available elements: container, columns, tabs, accordion, tile unit and card.

  • PHP


    A collection of view helpers used by pizpalue. Contains copies from vhs view helpers by Claus Due.

  • PHP


    TYPO3 extension to increase efficiency and transparency of work by continuously collecting work information and communicate it to customers.