friendsoftypo3/phpstan-typo3 dependents (71) Order by: name | downloads Show: all | require | require-dev

  • PHP


    Adds a configurable linkitems elements as one-to-many relation to easliy add links or buttons to any content element

  • PHP


    Fetch an RSS / Atom Feed and display its content on the Frontend.

  • PHP


    This TYPO3 extension extends the grid-based concept known from the backend layout of pages to regular content elements - the grid elements. It offers a lot of new features like advanced drag & drop or real references, that improve the usability of the page and list module to speed up the daily work with the backend.

  • PHP


    Extension to create datasets and show them as line, bar, pie or doughnut chart in frontend

  • PHP


    Extension to add field definition and plugin to show and select information from spreadsheets

  • PHP


    Allows generating Sub-Admin be_user by groups which can handle access of other be_user by groups


  • PHP


    Module for managing localization import and export

  • PHP


    This extension provides a fully automated workflow and a graphical user interface for the well known Localization Manager (l10nmgr). While the L10nmgr still handles exports and imports of records and files, the Localizer will take care of all the necessary steps in between. Editors responsible for translations won't have to deal with any L10nmgr configurations anymore and as an administrator you create just one configuration per Localizer Project.

  • PHP


    TYPO3 Database doctor - Find and fix TYPO3 database inconsistencies

  • PHP


    TYPO3 Database doctor - Find and fix TYPO3 database inconsistencies

    Abandoned! See lolli/dbdoctor

  • PHP


    Create your own content elements and page templates. Easy to use, even without programming skills because of the comfortable drag and drop user interface. Stored in structured database tables. Style your frontend with Fluid tags. Ideal, if you want to switch from Templavoila.

  • PHP


    TYPO3 extension providing a backend module to send newsletters using Universal Messenger API

  • PHP


    With this extension you can ensure different unique keys for the configured tables (e.g.: pages, tt_content)