
Static website compiler that scores 100/100 on all Lighthouse tests

dev-main 2024-05-29 11:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 11:07:21 UTC


License 100/100 on Lighthouse


Flipsite is a static compiler and middleware for serving lighting fast websites

Flipsite is NOT your typical CMS or static website compiler – but it happens to work as that too. It lets you build your websites fast, without writing any HTML yourself, by concentrating on the structure of your site. It then automatically serves beautiful DOM structures and optimized images with lazy loading and that are responsive and screen reader friendly.


Getting Started

Create a new site with Composer and define flipsite/flipsite as a dependency. You can do it during the init or when it's complete using composer require flipsite/flipsite


Thank you for considering contributing to Flipsite! Contact us, submit an issue or go ahead and make a pull request.

Important Links


Apache 2.0