
This is a Symfony2 bundle that lets using international mailing address.

Installs: 35

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 2

Watchers: 1

Forks: 1

Open Issues: 4


1.0 2016-09-10 11:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-26 05:00:56 UTC




International mailing address created in Symfony2. Format examples on http://www.bitboost.com/ref/international-address-formats.html#Formats

The code is compatible with php 7.1 and 5.6 versions.


Install the library using composer. Add the new line to your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "feft/address-bundle": "dev-master"

Now run the install command.

$ php composer.phar install

or use Makefile (only if you are using Docker):

make composer


To run unittests use command (only if you are using Docker):

make php5.6-phpunit5

Enable the bundle

Enable the bundle in the kernel:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new \Feft\AddressBundle\FeftAddressBundle(),

Update doctrine schema

$ php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

CRUD operations

Every entity has CRUD Controller to show/add/edit/delete operation, eg. to manage countries use link like this: http://localhost/address/web/app.php/country/


Simple use:

        $factory = new AddressFactory();

        $addressData = array(
            "countryName" => "Poland",
            "countryAlpha2Code" => "PL",
            "countryLocalShortName" => "Polska",
            "localityName" => "Tychy",
            "regionName" => "śląskie",
            "streetName" => "Freedom",
            "postalCode" => "43-100",
            "streetNumber" => "20 m. 21",

        $address = $factory->getAddressObject($addressData);

        return array(
            'address' => $address,

For more examples see unit tests folder.

Controller file:

  use Feft\AddressBundle\Entity\Address;
  use Feft\AddressBundle\Entity\Country;
  use Feft\AddressBundle\Entity\Locality;
  use Feft\AddressBundle\Entity\PostalCode;
  use Feft\AddressBundle\Entity\Region;
  use Feft\AddressBundle\Entity\Street;
  use Feft\AddressBundle\Model\PostalValidator\Factory;

  $country = new Country("Poland","PL");
  $locality = new Locality();
  $region = new Region();
  $street = new Street();
  $code = new PostalCode();

  $address = new Address();
  $address->setNumber("20 m. 21");
  $codeValidatingResult = $code->validate();
  $options = array("showCountryName" => true);
  return array(
    'address' => $address,
    "options" => $options

Twig file:

  <p> {{ address_formatter(address,options)|raw }} </p>
  <p>or inline format: {{ address_inline_formatter(address,options) }} </p>

Html result:
Wolności 20 m. 21
43-100 Tychy
or inline format: Wolności 20 m. 21, 43-100 Tychy, Poland


The bundle was created by Piotr Pikuła. See the list of contributors.