
A Panaly plugin that deliver metrics from various quality tool baselines

dev-main 2024-05-06 16:33 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-06 16:33:32 UTC


The plugin to the Panaly Project Analyzer delivers metrics analyzed for different tool baselines from the development ecosystem. If one introduces a new quality tool, new quality rules or is in a haste it is not always possible to have all errors fixed that quality tools are delivering. So most tooling is delivering a feature that is named "baseline" to store all existing errors to a specific time which will then be ignored for the checks. So developers get the time to fix those but can deliver new stuff with the quality tools enabled - so no new tech debt.

To have an overview about the baselines this plugin delivers some metrics that can analyze those baselines to have an idea of the tech debt that was left behind the development and to see how the tech debt developers as there could also be reasons to put additional stuff to the baselines.

Available Metrics

PHPMD Baseline Count

The metric with the identifier phpmd_baseline_count gives an Integer result with the count entries of a phpmd baseline file that can be filtered by its subject. The following options are available for the metric.

Option Description
baseline (Required) The baseline file of phpmd, it must be readable and containing the known phpmd xml format.
filter (Optional) An array of rules that the baseline should be filtered for, e.g. StaticAccess or CyclomaticComplexity

PHPStan Baseline Count

The metric with the identifier phpstan_baseline_count gives an Integer result which is containing the sum of entries of a phpstan baseline file. It sums not only the entries that are in there but summarizes the count of each entry as identical messages from a single file are put together with a count within the file.

Option Description
baseline (Required) The baseline file of phpstan, it must be readable and containing the known phpstan neon format.
paths (Optional) Only count files for specific paths from the baseline file. A path could be anything valid in CODEOWNERS file.

Psalm Baseline Count

The metric with the identifier psalm_baseline_count gives an Integer result which contains the sum of all code entries which represent a single error within a class.

Option Description
baseline (Required) The baseline file of psalm, it must be readable and containing the known psalm xml format.
paths (Optional) Only count files for specific paths from the baseline file. A path could be anything valid in CODEOWNERS file.

Example Configuration

# panaly.dist.yaml
    DZunke\PanalyBaseline\BaselinePlugin: ~ # no options available

        title: "Baseline Overview"
                baseline: ./path/to/my/baseline.xml
                title: PHPMD Cyclomatic Complexity Baseline Count
                baseline: ./path/to/my/baseline.xml
                filter: [ 'CyclomaticComplexity' ]

Thanks and License

Panaly Project Analyzer - Baseline Plugin © 2024+, Denis Zunke. Released utilizing the MIT License.

GitHub @dzunke  ·  Twitter @DZunke