
A PHP SDK for the Maxo Telecommunications SMS API

dev-main 2024-04-04 12:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-04 13:12:03 UTC



This SDK is still a work in progress. Whilst functional for the implemented resources, it is built against the Maxo documentation for optimistic scenarios.

Maxo is an Australian-based telephony services provider.

Use of this SDK requires an account with Maxo, as well as an API key.

My immediate use-case for this API was sending SMS, so those resources have been built first.

The package leverages Saloon for it's HTTP layer.


Resource Status
SMS Sending, inbox listing
Call History Not implemented
Initiate Call Not implemented


composer require dyrynda/maxo-php


use Dyrynda\Maxo\Maxo;
use Dyrynda\Maxo\Data\Sms\SendMessageData;

$maxo = new Maxo(
    key: 'your-maxo-key'

$response = $maxo->sms()->sendMessage(
    new SendMessageData(...)