
Automatic Eloquent models and better templating for Prismic

v0.2 2022-10-21 07:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-21 11:38:14 UTC


Automatic Eloquent models and better templating for Prismic


You can install the package via composer:

composer require dromedar-design/laravel-prismic

Then you can configure it as a new database connection in config/database.php:

'connections' => [

    'prismic' => [
        'driver' => 'prismic',
        'database' => 'https://XXX.cdn.prismic.io/api/v2',
        'cache' => false,
    // other connections

After this you only have to extend the Model shipped with the package and your Prismic api works like a usual Eloquent model.


namespace App;

use DromedarDesign\Prismic\Model;

class Post extends Model


Relationships work as you would expect it from regular Eloquent models.

Accessing properties

There are three output modes:

  • raw
  • text
  • html (this is the default)
$post = \App\Post::first();

$title = $post->title; // By default it returns the html output

// Output: <h1>Hello, this is title</h1>

You can either access other modes directly or change the default.

$title = $post->title->text;

// Output: Hello, this is title

$title = $post->title;

/** Output:
 *  [
 *      {
 *          "type": "heading1",
 *          "text": "Hello, this is title",
 *          "spans": []
 *      }
 *  ]