
Elucidate Annotation Server API for PHP

v3.0.6 2018-11-20 14:06 UTC


Build Status


composer require dlcs/elucidate-php

You will also need to install GuzzleHttp >= v6

## Usage

// Create an HTTP driver.
$guzzle = new Elucidate\Adapter\GuzzleHttpAdapter(
  new GuzzleHttp\Client(['base_uri' => 'http://my.eluciadte.server'])

// Create the Elucidate client.
$elucidate = new Elucidate\Client($guzzle);

// Create a container for storing annotations.
$container = $elucidate->createContainer('My first container');

// Create an annotation.
$annotation = new Elucidate\Model\Annotation(null, [
            'type' => 'TextualBody',
            'value' => 'I like this page!'
        ], 'http://www.example.com/index.html');
// Add metaData
  'creator' => 'stephen@_.com'

// Assign it to a container.

// Create it in the server.

// Search for the annotation.
$json = $elucidate->search(new Elucidate\Search\SearchByTarget(['id'], 'http://www.example.com/index.html'));

// Get search result wrapper
$searchResult = SearchResult::fromJson($json);

// get annotations (generator)
$annotations = $searchResult->getResults(); // Annotation objects

// get next page ID

// Search for next page
$page2 = $elucidate->search($searchResult->getNextSearchQuery());

// etc..
$searchResultPage2 = SearchResult::fromJson($page2);