
This PHP package provides a `password_exposed` helper function, that uses the haveibeenpwned.com API to check if a password has been exposed in a data breach.

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Open Issues: 5

v3.2.0 2021-04-20 09:34 UTC


This PHP package provides a password_exposed helper function, that uses the haveibeenpwned.com API to check if a password has been exposed in a data breach.


Build Status StyleCI 68747470733a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732e696f2f7061636b61676973742f64742f446976696e654f6d6567612f70617373776f72645f6578706f7365642e737667


The password_exposed package can be easily installed using Composer. Just run the following command from the root of your project.

composer require "divineomega/password_exposed"

If you have never used the Composer dependency manager before, head to the Composer website for more information on how to get started.


To check if a password has been exposed in a data breach, just pass it to the password_exposed method.

Here is a basic usage example:

switch(password_exposed('hunter2')) {

    case PasswordStatus::EXPOSED:
        // Password has been exposed in a data breach.

    case PasswordStatus::NOT_EXPOSED:
        // Password has not been exposed in a known data breach.

    case PasswordStatus::UNKNOWN:
        // Unable to check password due to an API error.

If you prefer to avoid using helper functions, the following syntax is also available.

$passwordStatus = (new PasswordExposedChecker())->passwordExposed($password);

SHA1 Hash

You can also supply the SHA1 hash instead of the plain text password, by using the following method.

$passwordStatus = (new PasswordExposedChecker())->passwordExposedByHash($hash);


$passwordStatus = password_exposed_by_hash($hash);