
Asynchronous ksqlDB PHP client for PHP 8

dev-master 2021-08-13 15:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-13 22:02:18 UTC


Currently under development. API stability is not guaranteed until v1.

Requires PHP 8

composer require dev-this/ksqldb-php



Create a client

There is a factory available for client creation

DevThis\KsqlDB\ClientFactory::create(string $hostname): DevThis\KsqlDB\Client

No HTTP connection will be established until a client command has been called.


$hostname = 'http://localhost:8088';

$client = (new DevThis\KsqlDB\Factory\ClientFactory())->create($hostname);

Streaming callbacks

Streaming a query requires a callback class that implements a callback interface. Establishing a stream is purposefully blocking until the header has been received (along with query ID).

DevThis\KsqlDB\Factory\ClientFactory::stream(Statement $statement, StreamCallback $callback): Amp\Promise

Callback class must implement StreamCallback

interface StreamCallback {
    // Invoked once, at the start of the stream
    // StreamHeader has getters for the query ID, and column names and their data types.
    public function onHeader(StreamHeader $header): void;
    // OnEvent will be invoked on each new event
    // StreamEvent is an \ArrayObject
    public function onEvent(StreamEvent $event): void;


use DevThis\KsqlDB\Interfaces\StreamCallback;
use DevThis\KsqlDB\Statement

$transactionStatement = new Statement("SELECT * FROM transactions EMIT CHANGES;");

$transactionHandler = new class implements StreamCallback {
    public function onHeader(StreamHeader $header): void
        echo sprintf(">Query ID: %s\n", $header->getQueryId());

    public function onEvent(StreamEvent $event): void
        echo "Processing new transaction\n";
        // do something with $event...

$stream = $client->stream($transactionStatement, $transactionHandler);
// Query ID
echo $stream->getQueryId();

// Terminate the query

// wait indefinitely

Executing a statement

Executing a statement works similarly to Streaming a statement. The main difference is that executed statements are not continous operations.

DevThis\KsqlDB\Client::execute(Statement $statement): ArrayObject

ArrayObject will contain the response.

Functional example

Asynchronous application that will eat its own dogfood. Consuming the very events it created:

use DevThis\KsqlDB\Interfaces\StreamCallback;
use DevThis\KsqlDB\Statement;
use DevThis\KsqlDB\Factory\ClientFactory;
use DevThis\KsqlDB\StreamEvent;
use DevThis\KsqlDB\StreamHeader;

$client = (new ClientFactory())->create('http://localhost:8088');

$createStatement = new Statement("CREATE STREAM cool_data (
    message VARCHAR,
    timestamp VARCHAR,
) WITH (
    kafka_topic = 'cool_data',
    partitions = 1,
    value_format = 'avro',
    timestamp = 'timestamp',
    timestamp_format = 'yyyy-MM-dd''T''HH:mm:ss'
$streamStatement = new Statement("SELECT * FROM cool_data EMIT CHANGES;");
$coolDataCallback = new class implements \DevThis\KsqlDB\Interfaces\StreamCallback {
    private const SCHEMA_ID = 0;
    private const SCHEMA_MESSAGE = 1;
    private const SCHEMA_TIMESTAMP = 2;

    public function onHeader(StreamHeader $header): void
        echo sprintf(">Query ID: %s\n", $header->getQueryId());
        echo sprintf(">Columns: %s", print_r($header->getColumns(), true));
        echo "--------------------\n";

    public function onEvent(StreamEvent $event): void
        echo "Processing new transaction\n";
        echo sprintf(">ID: %s\n", $event[static::SCHEMA_ID]);
        echo sprintf(">Message: %s\n", $event[static::SCHEMA_MESSAGE]);
        echo sprintf(">Timestamp: %s\n", $event[static::SCHEMA_TIMESTAMP]);

$stream = $client->execute($createStatement);

// Run event loop
\Amp\Loop::run(function () use ($client) {
    $stream = $client->streamAsync($streamStatement, $coolDataCallback);

    Loop::repeat(1000, static function() {
        // insert into stream example.
    // Terminate stream after 100 seconds.
    Loop::delay(1000 * 100, static function () use ($client, $stream) {
