
PHP lib intended to assist in marshalling and unmarshalling JSON data from Golang-based services

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dev-main 2023-12-28 13:33 UTC

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Last update: 2024-04-28 14:22:35 UTC


WIP: this is a work in progress, and not suitable for actual use at this time.

PHP lib intended to assist in marshalling and unmarshalling JSON data from Golang-based services

Transcoding class

The Transcoding class is a container for this package's constants and a few helper functions.

Unmarshaller trait

The Unmarshaller trait is intended to be embedded within any class that you wish to unmarshall from JSON. As a basic example:

use DCarbone\Go\JSON\Transcoding;
use DCarbone\Go\JSON\Unmarshaller;

class Classname {
    use Unmarshaller;
    protected const FIELDS = [
        'stringField' => [
            Transcoding::FIELD_TYPE => Transcoding::STRING,
        'intField' => [
            Transcoding::FIELD_TYPE => Transcoding::INTEGER,
        'floatField' => [
            Transcoding::FIELD_TYPE => Transcoding::DOUBLE,
    public string $stringField;
    public int $intField;
    public float $floatField;

$inst = Classname::UnmarshalGoJSON(<<<EOT
    "stringField": "value",
    "intField": 1,
    "floatField": 1.1

Marshaller trait

The Marshaller trait is intended to be embedded within any class that you wish to marshall to JSON. As a basic example:

use DCarbone\Go\JSON\Transcoding;

class Classname {
    use \DCarbone\Go\JSON\Marshaller;
    protected const FIELDS = [
        'stringField' => [
            Transcoding::FIELD_TYPE => Transcoding::STRING,
            Transcoding::FIELD_OMITEMPTY => true,
        'intField' => [
            Transcoding::FIELD_TYPE => Transcoding::INTEGER,
            Transcoding::FIELD_OMITEMPTY => true,
        'floatField' => [
            Transcoding::FIELD_TYPE => Transcoding::DOUBLE,
            Transcoding::FIELD_OMITEMPTY => true,
    public string $stringField = '';
    public int $intField = 1;
    public float $floatField = 0.0;

$inst = new Classname();
$json = $inst->MarshalGoJSON();
echo $json; // {"intField": 1}

FIELD_X constants

Constant Possible Values Description
FIELD_TYPE ['string', 'integer', 'double', 'boolean', 'object', 'array'] This is used during marshalling and unmarshalling to determine what to do with the provided value
FIELD_CLASS Any valid class name The string FQN of the class of the object of this field. This must be set when FIELD_TYPE === 'object' or FIELD_ARRAY_TYPE === 'object'.
FIELD_ARRAY_TYPE ['string', 'integer', 'double', 'boolean', 'object', 'array'] This must be set when FIELD_TYPE === 'array'.
FIELD_UNMARSHAL_CALLBACK Any representation of a callable If defined, the callable provided to this value will be used to construct the field value, whatever it may be. The object being unmarshalled, the field name, and the field's value are passed as arguments in that order
FIELD_NULLABLE [true, false] Whether this field is "nullable"
FIELD_OMITEMPTY [true, false] Whether to omit this field from being marshalled if it contains a "zero" val at time of marshal.
FIELD_MARSHAL_AS ['string', 'integer', 'double', 'boolean'] If specified, the value of this field will be type-cast to the defined type at time of marshal
FIELD_MARSHAL_CALLBACK Any representation of a callable The object being marshalled, the field name, and the field's value are passed as arguments in that order
FIELD_MARSHAL_SKIP [true, false] If true, field will not be marshalled out to JSON.

"Zero" Values

Every type in Golang has an accompanying "zero" value. You can reference this Tour of Go chapter for some examples.

This has significant impact when marshalling and unmarshalling Go types with JSON, as depending upon the configured struct tags, marshaller used, and field type, an otherwise "empty" field may still have a non-null value when accessed.

To assist with this, this lib comes with a Zero type that allows you to check if a given value is "zero" or not.

Custom Zero Values

In some cases, null may not be desirable for a "zero-val" or "default" field on a type. To that end, you may either implement the ZeroVal interface on the type directly, or register a ZeroState to the Zero::$zeroStates static parameter.