
Integrates LessElephant into Symfony2

dev-master 2013-03-04 13:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-29 02:45:33 UTC


A Bundle to use the LessElephant library in a Symfony2 project.

This bundle scans your less projects on every request, and checks if they needs to be recompiled. It takes care of dependencies, so you can use less with @import without problems. You don't need javascript or manual excution of lessc anymore


Integrate bootstrap in Symfony2 and compile less on the fly


Add the configuration in your config file (for the dev environment)


    less_binary_path: "/usr/local/bin/lessc"
            source_folder: %kernel.root_dir%/../src/Cypress/DemoBundle/Resources/public/bootstrap/less
            source_file: bootstrap.less
            destination_css: %kernel.root_dir%/../src/Cypress/DemoBundle/Resources/public/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css
    force_compile: ~

less_binary_path (optional) is the path to your lessc binary. LessElephant try to find it with "which lessc". So, if you are on windows, you need this

less_projects (at least 1) define an entry for each of your less projects. All three parameters are mandatory

  • source_folder the folder where all your less files resides

  • source_file the main less file. Usually this is a file that contains many @import directive

  • destination_css the destination css. This file needs to be writable by web server user (for example on linux www-data)

force_compile (optional) default: false. If it is true, we force the compilation for each request.

Add the stylesheets to your templates


{% stylesheets filter="yui_css"
    "@CypressDemoBundle/Resources/public/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css" %}
    <link href="{{ asset_url }}" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
{% endstylesheets %}

without assetic

<link href="{{ asset('bundles/cypressdemo/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css') }}" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />


How it works

This bundle register an event listener that, on every request, check if the projects defined in the config_dev.yml files are in "clean" state or needs recompile.

If the project do not need to be recompiled, it adds a really small overhead to symfony, just the time to check a bunch of files.

Read the LessElephant readme for other useful informations