
Common code handling API for Cute-Ninja projects (ResponseBuilder, Testing, ...)

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Open Issues: 2


1.0.0 2016-04-28 14:30 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-08 17:15:38 UTC


This bundle provide tools to handle Rest API. It includes response builders (Success, ServerError, Client Error) and functionnal testing (using Behat).


To be able to use "the response must be optimized" you need to enable the profiler in config_test.yml

    enabled: true

and enable debug when instantiating the kernel

new \AppKernel('test', true);

And in your paramaters.yml define cute_ninja_parabola_allowed_origins with the url of your API. The parameter is an array to allow you to have multi sources allowed.

For exemple:

    - ''

To enable API wrapping and access the display of the symfony2 profilter, add the following to your parameters.yml

wrap_api_response: true


Create a BaseContext in your project has follow

use CuteNinja\ParabolaBundle\Tests\Feature\Context\BaseContext as ParabolaBaseContext;

class BaseContext extends ParabolaBaseContext


DB structure & Data

The functionnal tests require you to generate DB structure and populate it with data. The best way to do it is by implementing two methods with the annotations "@BeforeSuite" and " @AfterScenario @regenerateDB". To optimize the DB loading we generate the before each suite and after a scenario that use the "@regenerateDB". This way we won't reload the DB after a test on List API for example since the DB conttent hasn't been modify.

use CuteNinja\ParabolaBundle\Tests\Feature\Context\BaseContext as ParabolaBaseContext;

class BaseContext extends ParabolaBaseContext
     * @BeforeSuite
    public static function beforeSuite()
        // Implement your own DB structure and data logic

     * @AfterScenario @regenerateDB
    public function regenerateDBAfterScenario()
        // Implement your own DB structure and data logic

If you want, you can use to handle the DB structure and data by adding it to your project and using the following code.

use CuteNinja\ParabolaBundle\Tests\Feature\Context\BaseContext as ParabolaBaseContext;

class BaseContext extends ParabolaBaseContext
     * @BeforeSuite
    public static function beforeSuite()
        $process = new Process("php bin/console doctrine:schema:create --env=test");

        $process = new Process("php bin/console cute_ninja:fixture:load --env=test");

     * @AfterScenario @regenerateDB
    public function regenerateDBAfterScenario()
        $process = new Process("php bin/console doctrine:schema:drop --force --env=test");

        $process = new Process("php bin/console doctrine:schema:create --env=test");

        $process = new Process("php bin/console cute_ninja:fixture:load --env=test");