
This package provides Google2FA to Laravel Nova.

1.1.4 2023-11-07 10:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-07 11:22:54 UTC


This package enforces 2FA for Laravel Nova.



  • User gets recovery codes.

Recovery codes

  • User activates 2FA on his device.

Activate 2FA


  • User verifies login with 2FA.

Enter 2FA


  • If user enters invalid code, recovery button is shown.

Enter 2FA

  • User enters recovery code.

Enter 2FA

  • User is logged in and can choose to reset two-factor auth via their Nova user resource.

Enter 2FA

  • Add ability for User to reset their two-factor auth
     Text::make('Reset two-factor auth', function () {
                if (auth()->id() === $this->id) {
                    $route = route('nova.google2fa.destroy');
                    $buttonText = __('nova-google2fa::2fa-auth.actions.reset');

                    return "<a href='{$route}' class='class=shadow relative bg-primary-500 hover:bg-primary-400 text-white dark:text-gray-900 cursor-pointer rounded text-sm font-bold focus:outline-none focus:ring ring-primary-200 dark:ring-gray-600 inline-flex items-center justify-center h-9 px-3 shadow relative bg-primary-500 hover:bg-primary-400 text-white dark:text-gray-900'>


Install via composer

$ composer require cube-agency/nova-google2fa

Publish config and migrations

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="CubeAgency\NovaGoogle2fa\ToolServiceProvider"

Run migrations

Note: Make sure you adjust config values according to your project before running migrations to avoid errors.

$ php artisan migrate

Use trait use CubeAgency\NovaGoogle2fa\Traits\HasGoogle2fa; within your User model to add 2FA relation


Add relation to User model manually

use CubeAgency\NovaGoogle2fa\Models\User2fa;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasOne;

 * @return HasOne
public function user2fa(): HasOne
    return $this->hasOne(User2fa::class, 'user_id');

Add middleware to nova.config.

    'middleware' => [


return [
     * Disable or enable middleware.
    'enabled' => env('GOOGLE_2FA_ENABLED', true),

    'models' => [
         * Change this variable to path to user model.
        'user'    => 'App\User',

         * Change this if you need a custom connector
        'user2fa' => User2fa::class,
    'tables' => [
         * Table in which users are stored.
        'user' => 'users',

    'recovery_codes' => [
         * Number of recovery codes that will be generated.
        'count'             => 8,

         * Number of blocks in each recovery code.
        'blocks'            => 3,

         * Number of characters in each block in recovery code.
        'chars_in_block'    => 16,

    'recovery_input' => 'recovery_code',

    'app_store_links' => [
        'android' => '',
        'ios' => '',