
XML/INI-based site configuration for PHP.

v0.2.2 2016-11-08 17:24 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-31 20:53:09 UTC


XML/INI-based site configuration for PHP.

How do I use it?

Create an XML or INI file for your site's configuration. Values from one section can be automatically used in other sections using place holders in the form {SECTION/VALUE}.

The configuration can be loaded as constants or into the GLOBALS array simply by calling a method, make_section_constants() and make_section_globals(), respectively.

Special placeholders can be used as well. The following placeholders are supported:

  • {_DIRNAMEOFFILE_} (directory to the containing configuration file)
  • {_CONFIGFILE_} (full path to the containing configuration file)
  • {_APPURL_} (value of $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])