
Basic API bundle

Installs: 1 042

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 11

Watchers: 2

Forks: 2

Open Issues: 1


v3.0 2022-02-15 16:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-15 21:39:04 UTC


The bundle for rapid API development without writing boilerplate code

Build Status

The main purpose of the bundle is to work with DTOs: serialization, deserialization and validation. It doesn't know anything about the database and ORM.

Tasks solved by this bundle:

  • Deserializing the request body from JSON to an object or array of objects
  • Validating the deserialization result
  • Serializing the response to JSON
  • Serializing exceptions to JSON
  • Extracting typed values from a query string
  • Generating API documentation


composer require condenast-ru/basic-api-bundle

Then bundle should be enabled in bundles.php file

<?php declare(strict_types=1);
# config/bundles.php

return [
    # ...
    Condenast\BasicApiBundle\CondenastBasicApiBundle::class => ['all' => true],

How it works?

The bundle is based on symfony kernel event subscribers, they do the bulk of the work. API actions are configured using annotations in the controller. Values from annotations are written to request attributes, which are then used by subscribers. symfony/serializer is used for serialization and deserialization, symfony/validator is used for validation, nelmio/api-doc-bundle is used for API documentation generation.



  • Describe how to serialize and deserialize your objects according to the symfony/serializer documentation
  • Describe the validation rules for your objects according to the symfony/validator documentation
  • Configure your controller actions using the annotations provided with this bundle


<?php declare(strict_types=1);

use Condenast\BasicApiBundle\Annotation as Api;
use Condenast\BasicApiBundle\Request\QueryParamBag;
use Condenast\BasicApiBundle\Response\Payload;
use Condenast\BasicApiBundle\Tests\Fixtures\App\DTO\Article;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;

class ArticleController
     * Create article
     * @OA\Response( # Response description, for an API documentation only
     *     response=201,
     *     description="Created article",
     *     @OA\JsonContent(
     *         type="object",
     *         ref=@Nelmio\Model(type=Article::class, groups={""})
     *     )
     * )
    #[Route(path: "/articles", name: "", methods: ["POST"])]
    #[Api\Resource("Article")] # Resource name used to group actions in API documentation
        argument: "articles", # The argument of the controller method, the result of deserialization will be passed there
        type: Article::class, # The type of deserialization, such as Article or Article [] for an array of articles
        context: ["groups" => "article.write"], # Deserialization context,
        requestAttributes: ["id" => "id"] # Request attributes to assign their values to the properties of the deserialized object
                                          # It can be useful when, for example, in an edit action you deserialize the DTO, and the identifier of the entity is in the url
    #[Api\Validation(groups: ["article.write"])] # Validation groups
        name: "tags", # The name by which the parameter will be available in the QueryParamBag
        path: "extra.tags", # The path to the parameter in the request, if not specified, will be equal to the name.
        isArray: true, # Whether the parameter is an array
        constraints: [ # Validation constraints
            new Assert\Length(min=2),
        default: [], # Default parameter value
                     # If not specified, then null or an empty array, depending on whether the parameter is declared as an array
                     # If the parameter value does not meet the requirements, the default value will be returned
        description: "Tags to associate with", # Description, for an API documentation only
        format: "uuid" # Format, for an API documentation only
    public function postArticle(Article $article, QueryParamBag $query): Payload
        $tags = $query->get('tags');
        return new Payload($article, 201, ['groups' => '']);


The bundle does not contain anything for CORS, if necessary, use nelmio/cors-bundle.

API documentation

Install nelmio/api-doc-bundle and symfony/twig-bundle and configure according to the documentation, bundle describers will add anything they can learn about actions to the documentation. Anything that is missing can be added via annotations to the controller, as written in the documentation for the nelmio/api-doc-bundle.


To run a web server with a test application for development and debugging, make sure the Symfony CLI is installed and run the command make server. The test application code is located in the tests/Fixtures/App directory.


To run the tests, use the make tests command.