
Provides a configuration factory and multiple Coffreo rule sets for friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer.

v2.3.1 2020-10-24 20:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-25 04:02:18 UTC


All credits goes to localheinz/php-cs-fixer-config.

This project is a fork with Coffreo rules and few changes to:

  • add header template feature
  • add reading of composer.json datas to fullfill header template
  • handle multiples version of php-cs-fixer in tests

This repository provides a configuration factory and multiple Coffreo rule sets for friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer.



$ composer require --dev coffreo/php-cs-fixer-config



Pick one of the rule sets:

  • Coffreo\PhpCsFixer\Config\RuleSet\Php54 (includes migration 5.6 rules)
  • Coffreo\PhpCsFixer\Config\RuleSet\Php54To56 (includes ONLY migration 5.6 rules)
  • Coffreo\PhpCsFixer\Config\RuleSet\Php56
  • Coffreo\PhpCsFixer\Config\RuleSet\Php70
  • Coffreo\PhpCsFixer\Config\RuleSet\Php71
  • Coffreo\PhpCsFixer\Config\RuleSet\Php72

📒 All configuration (except Php54To56) include @Symfony and @PSR2 rules.

Create a configuration file .php_cs in the root of your project:


use Coffreo\PhpCsFixer\Config;

// read composer
$composer = json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__."/composer.json"));
if (null === $composer) {
    throw new \Exception('Composer.json invalid. CS-Fixer aborted.');
$header = Config\HeaderHelper::coffreo(compact("composer"));

$config = Config\Factory::fromRuleSet(

    new Config\RuleSet\Php54($header)


return $config;


Add .php_cs.cache (this is the cache file created by php-cs-fixer) to .gitignore:


Makefile (optional)

Create a Makefile with a cs target:

.PHONY: composer cs

	composer validate
	composer install

cs: composer
	vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --config=.php_cs --diff --verbose

💡 This can either be done with other scripting launcher (npm run .. or composer run-script ..)

Developer commands

Few commands to know when updating this project:

$ make test   # run PHPUnit test suite
$ make cs     # Apply CS to source code (THIS MUST BE DONE BEFORE PUSHING)
$ make        # lazy ? execute both above commands


  • I've installed everything but it keeps me warning that few rules are inexistents.

You get thie error message because the version of friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer is not appropriate with selected rules set. Two potentials causes:

  • Ensure your ruleset is compatible with your PHP version (56 for 5.6, 70 for 7.0, etc...)
  • Check your composer.json for config.platform key. It should either be undefined or the correct value depending on your PHP version. The presence of this config key force composer to install cs-fixer version related to PHP version defined by this key, ignoring real current version of PHP.)