
Plivo SMS notifications driver for Laravel

1.0.6 2021-05-31 02:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 04:49:05 UTC


This package makes it easy to send SMS notifications using Plivo with Laravel 8.x.

This package is a copy of laravel-notification-channel/plivo as that package is currently broken for Laravel 8 and current version of plivo/plivo-php



Install the package via composer:

composer require codemonkey76/plivo-notification-channel

Setting up your Plivo service

Log in to your Plivo dashboard and grab your Auth Id, Auth Token and the phone number you're sending from. Add them to config/services.php.

// config/services.php
'plivo' => [
    'auth_id' => env('PLIVO_AUTH_ID'),
    'auth_token' => env('PLIVO_AUTH_TOKEN'),
    // Country code, area code and number without symbols or spaces
    'from_number' => env('PLIVO_FROM_NUMBER'),


Follow Laravel's documentation to add the channel your Notification class:

use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
use Codemonkey76\Plivo\PlivoChannel;
use Codemonkey76\Plivo\PlivoMessage;

public function via($notifiable)
    return [PlivoChannel::class];

public function toPlivo($notifiable)
    return (new PlivoMessage)
                    ->content('This is a test SMS via Plivo using Laravel Notifications!');

Add a routeNotificationForPlivo method to your Notifiable model to return the phone number:

public function routeNotificationForPlivo()
    // Country code, area code and number without symbols or spaces
    return preg_replace('/\D+/', '', $this->phone_number);

Available methods

  • content() - (string), SMS notification body
  • from() - (integer) Override default from number



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.