
Anti-spam laravel extension by CleanTalk with protection against spam bots and manual spam.

2.0.4 2023-12-08 11:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-31 06:47:10 UTC


How to use:

  1. Require the cleantalk/laravel-antispam module
  2. Register the CleantalkServiceProvider service provider into your app.php
  3. Register the cleantalk_antispam middleware into your Kernel.php
  4. Load the publishes by php artisan vendor:publish command
  5. Edit config/cleantalk.php configuration file
  6. Include JS into your root blade template (into head block) @include('cleantalk::cleantalk')
  7. Add the middleware to your routes which requires the anti-spam protection (usually form hanled route)


  1. Open the terminal in the root of your laravel application and run command to require anti-spam module: composer require cleantalk/laravel-antispam
  2. Edit config/app.php file, add new service provider to the providers array: cleantalk\antispam\CleantalkServiceProvider::class Adding service provider
  3. Edit app/Http/Kernel.php file, add new middleware to the $routeMiddleware array: 'cleantalk_antispam' => \cleantalk\antispam\CleantalkValidate::class Adding middleware
  4. Open the terminal in the root of your laravel application and run command to generate config file and javascript asset: php artisan vendor:publish
  5. Edit newly added configuration file config/cleantalk.php, type your access key and change enabled key to true Changing configuration
  6. Include cleantalk blade template to your root blade template into block: @include('cleantalk::cleantalk') Adding blade template
  7. So finally add the middleware to the required routes: ->middleware('cleantalk_antispam') Using middleware

Now you can test the protection on the route contains cleantalk_antispam middleware, just use test email for email field.
