
Laravel Scout OpenSearch Engine

v2.1.0 2024-06-03 10:57 UTC


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Laravel Scout OpenSearch simplifies the integration of Laravel Scout with OpenSearch, offering a seamless experience. Additionally, it boasts full compatibility with AWS OpenSearch, enabling hassle-free implementation.


composer require bytexr/laravel-scout-opensearch

To make the necessary updates, navigate to config/scout.php and add the following code:

return [

    'opensearch' => [
        'host' => env('OPENSEARCH_HOST', 'https://localhost:9200'),
        'access_key' => env('OPENSEARCH_ACCESS_KEY', 'admin'),
        'secret_key' => env('OPENSEARCH_SECRET_KEY', 'admin'),
        'options' => [
            'ssl_verification' => env('OPENSEARCH_SSL_VERIFICATION', true),
            // Used for AWS
            'sigv4_enabled' => env('OPENSEARCH_SIGV4_ENABLED', false),
            'sigv4_region' =>  env('OPENSEARCH_SIGV4_REGION', 'eu-west-1'),


Finally, ensure that all required environment variables are set in your .env file, and don't forget to set the SCOUT_DRIVER value to opensearch.


Laravel Scout OpenSearch is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.