
Provide an HTTP Client to manage DAG run from Airflow

v0.0.3 2024-05-23 19:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-23 20:03:31 UTC


This bundle provide a way to trigger new dag on Apache Airflow run to generate export files and request asynchronously for the generated export filename.


With composer:

composer require bluspark/airflow-dag-run-bundle


Make sure your bundle has been enabled in your config/bundles.php file (automatically done if you're using Symfony Flex)

# config/bundles.php
return [
    Bluspark\AirflowDagRunBundle\BlusparkAirflowDagRunBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Add a bluspark_airflow_dag_run.yaml file in your config/packages directory to define the following required parameters:

  airflow_dag_id: your-dag-id
  airflow_username: user
  airflow_password: !ChangeMe!

You can have more details about the configuration parameters by running this command in your Symfony project:

bin/console config:dump bluspark_airflow_dag_run

Finally, add in your config/packages/messenger.yaml file the transport of your choice which will handle the success message dispatched by the bundle (as explained below):


      'Bluspark\AirflowDagRunBundle\Scheduler\Message\DagRunMessageExecuted': my_project_transport

If you're using Symfony < 6.4, the bundle won't use Scheduler but a standard message dispatched through a MessengerBus instead.
If so, you must declare all the bundl'es messages for the transport management :


     'Bluspark\AirflowDagRunBundle\Scheduler\Message\*': my_project_transport


The bundle provide a bridge service class that you can use in your project through using dependency injection.

namespace App\Controller;

use Bluspark\AirflowDagRunBundle\Contracts\Bridge\AirflowDagBridgeInterface;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;

final class YourController extends AbstractController
    #[Route(path: '/my-export-route')]
    public function __invoke(AirflowDagBridgeInterface $airflowDagBridge): Response
        // ... build your $config array with your export parameters
        $dagRunStatus = $airflowDagBridge->requestNewExportFile($config);

Authorized parameters for the export request are:

  • format: format expected for the export file (eg: "csv", "xls")
  • export: data type for your export (eg: 'pickup', 'producer', ...)
  • search: array of filters you want to apply for data included in your export file
  • extra: array of data that you want to use or pass throughout all the export process (e.g. an email to notify on success)

No other configuration parameters are considered valid.
Once the export file has been requested on Airflow, the bundle uses a Scheduler recurring message to check every 30 seconds if the file has been successfully created, with its own handler. Then, the bundle dispatch using Symfony Messenger component a Bluspark\AirflowDagRunBundle\Message\DagRunMessageExecuted message with a filename property containing the now available file on S3 You will have to implement the handler for the Bluspark\AirflowDagRunBundle\Message\DagRunMessageExecuted message with your own logic inside your project.

To run the Scheduler transport used by this bundle, do not forget to run the following command (only for Symfony version >= 6.4)

bin/console messenger:consume scheduler_airflow_dag_run


The bundle implements 2 different messages that need to be consumed :

  • a Bluspark\AirflowDagRunBundle\Message\DagRunChecker message meant to be consumed by the scheduler_airflow_dag_run Schedule (provided by the bundle)
  • a Bluspark\AirflowDagRunBundle\Message\DagRunMessageExecuted message meant to be consumed by the Messenger transport of your choice in your project


This project is licensed under the CeCILL-B License - see the LICENSE file for details.


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