
Removes files listed in a mysql table from Amazon S3

dev-master 2014-11-12 04:44 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-03 23:43:42 UTC


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Deletes objects from Amazon Simple Storage Server (S3) that are listed in a MySQL Table


  1. PHP 5.2 or greater
  2. MySQL Database With Select & Delete


Clone & Pull The Repo On Something Running PHP 5


php index.php server user pass db table column awskey awssecret awsbucket

or use config file

The Config File

The directory s3bomber-config contains a file called s3bomb-config.ini.example

Remove the .example from that file name, edit it as needed with mysql credentials and table/column details

Don't forget to edit the ini file with the AWS Key, Secret, and S3 Bucket Name