behat/transliterator dependents (116) Order by: name | downloads Show: all | require | require-dev

  • PHP


    Olympus Zeus framework core system used to make all your WordPress plugins and themes developments easier and efficient.

    Abandoned! See getolympus/olympus-zeus-core

  • PHP


    Olympus Poseidon Customizer is a framework used to enhance the default WordPress customizer with a bunch of components and an easiest way to manipulate it.

  • PHP


    Olympus Zeus framework core system used to make all your WordPress plugins and themes developments easier and efficient.

  • PHP


    Provide simple solution to parser common thing


  • PHP


    A PHP package template repository. - 一个PHP软件包模板存储库。

  • PHP


    Symfony bundle to handle document management features like storage, pdf generation

  • PHP


    Sia Adaptor for Neos - a decentralized cloud storage for assets

  • PHP


    Small package that ties in behat/transliterator with flows IdentityRoutePart to create smart international slugs

  • PHP


    This VCard PHP class can generate a vCard with some data. When using an iOS device it will export as a .ics file because iOS devices don't support the default .vcf files.

  • PHP


    Run your TravisCi builds locally


  • PHP


    Doctrine2 behavioral extensions

  • PHP


    The Kunstmaan CMS is an advanced yet user-friendly content management system, based on the full stack Symfony framework combined with a whole host of community bundles. It provides a full featured, multi-language CMS system with an innovative page and form assembling process, versioning, workflow, translation and media managers and much more.

  • PHP


    Managing forms, fields and their submissions by the user is a key functionality missing in most platforms. By leveraging the KunstmaanPagePartBundle system in the KunstmaanFormBundle users gain an easy way to create and manage the form on their website, again without having to worry about the technical side of things.

  • PHP


    The KunstmaanUtilitiesBundle makes your life easier by providing a couple of small but usefull helper services you can use and re-use in your applications. We already implemented an easy to use cipher service and a shell helper service for you but feel free to send in a pull request with your additions. The shell helper allows you to run apps in the background, see if a process is running and has a method to kill a running process. The cipher service allow you to encode and decode strings using the Rijndael 256 cipher