
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the jaspr/mapper package instead.

JSON API implementation, by annotations or schemas.

10.1.0 2022-06-14 21:00 UTC


Package is abandoned. Please use JASPR Mapper instead.

Implemtation of JSON API Standard Specification

This project goal is to create easy-to-use library to implement JSON API specification.

Whole project is at the beginning of development. So don't hesitate to help. I'm open to some good ideas how make this more customizable and friendly.

Library only provides wrappers to create valid JSON API document. Controllers and Response is on you.


You can write email or create issue in gitlab


Install library via Composer

composer require bednic/json-api

Basic Usage

For simplicity, we use $container as some dependency provider (Dependency Injection).


First we need create MetadataRepository. That we get from MetadataFactory.

/** @var $container Psr\Container\ContainerInterface */
// This is cache instance implements PSR SimpleCache
$cache = $container->get( Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface::class);
// This is AnnotationDriver or SchemaDriver, depends on your preferences
$driver = $container->get(\JSONAPI\Driver\Driver::class);
// Paths to your object representing resources
$paths = ['paths/to/your/resources','another/path'];
// Factory returns instance of MetadataRepository
$repository = JSONAPI\Factory\MetadataFactory::create(



metadataRepositoryInstance of MetadataRepository.
baseURLURL where you API lays.
maxIncludedItems625Maximum items included in Compound Document. This prevents to compound huge documents.
relationshipLimit25Maximum items included in relationship collection.
relationshipDatatrueToggle if relationships should have data attribute.
supportInclusiontrueToggle if server supports inclusion.
supportSorttrueToggle if server supports sort.
supportPaginationtrueToggle if server supports pagination.
paginationParsernullPaginationParserInterface instance, which is responsible for parsing pagination.
filterParsernullFilterParserInterface instance, which is responsible for parsing filter.
loggernullLoggerInterface instance, PSR compliant logger instance.

// First we need DocumentBuilderFactory
// Let's get MetadataRepository from DI
/** @var $container Psr\Container\ContainerInterface */
$metadataRepository = $container->get(JSONAPI\Metadata\MetadataRepository::class);
$baseURL = "http://localhost/"; // base URL where API lays
// You can initialize it by yourself
$dbf = new JSONAPI\Factory\DocumentBuilderFactory($metadataRepository, $baseURL);
// OR you can let DI make it for you
$dbf = $container->get(JSONAPI\Factory\DocumentBuilderFactory::class);
// We need PSR ServerRequestInterface instance
/** @var  $request Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface */
// Here we create instance of JSONAPI\Document\Builder
$builder = $dbf->new($request);
// Your object|objects
$data = new MyObject();
// $doc here is Document instance
$doc = $builder->setData($data)->build();

Now if you encode $doc to JSON, you're going to get full JSON API Document. More information about UriParser is here

Describing your objects

You can choose which way you want to describe your object metadata.

With Annotations

Note: If you want to use annotations you have to use AnnotationDriver in MetadataFactory


How you can see, setting up resource object is quiet easy. Just annotate your getter with `#[Attribute] or #[Relationship]` annotation.


The important part is to implement Resource interface. Then fill up static method getSchema.

Note: If you want to use schema you have to use SchemaDriver in MetadataFactory


Open API Schema

This library provides lightweight wrapper around OAS. It can generate OAS v3.0.3 schema in json, so you can provide doc for your api easily.

Basic Example

    $factory = new OpenAPISpecificationBuilder(

    $info = new Info('JSON:API OAS', '1.0.0');
    $info->setDescription('Test specification');
        (new Contact())
            ->setName('Tomas Benedikt')
        (new License('MIT'))

    $oas = $factory->create($info);
    $oas->setExternalDocs(new ExternalDocumentation(''));

    $json = json_encode($oas);


This object works with url, and parse required keywords as described at JSON API Standard


requestInstance of PSR compliant ServerRequestInterface.
metadataRepositoryInstance of MetadataRepository.
baseURLURL where you API lays.
supportInclusiontrueToggle if server supports inclusion.
supportSorttrueToggle if server supports sort.
supportPaginationtrueToggle if server supports pagination.
paginationParsernullPaginationParserInterface instance, which is responsible for parsing pagination.
filterParsernullFilterParserInterface instance, which is responsible for parsing filter.
loggernullLoggerInterface instance, PSR compliant logger instance.


Provides information about path, like resource type, resource ID, relation type, is it collection or is it relationship



As described, specification is agnostic about filter implementation. So I created, more like borrowed, expression filter from OData. So now you can use something like this:

filter=stringProperty eq 'string' and contains(stringProperty,'asdf') and intProperty in (1,2,3) or boolProperty ne true and eq null

There are for now two ExpressionBuilders:

  • DoctrineQueryExpressionBuilder creates expression for Doctrine QueryBuilder, it comes hadny if you are using Doctrine and want more complex filtering
  • DoctrineCriteriaExpressionBuilder works well with ArrayCollection or PersistentCollection which is dependency of this library so it's default and you can use it too. But it provides only some basic expressions like eq, ne, etc... But you can't filter by relation property or use some functions, or expressions.
  • ClosureExpressionBuilder create expression tree from closures, so you do not need doctrine at all.


I implement two of three pagination technics

  • LimitOffsetPagination
  • PagePagination
  • CursorPagination which is only abstract, cause it need more then just several number, so if you want use cursor based pagination, you have to implement it by yourself.

