
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

PHP client for B2BinPay

1.2.1 2020-10-15 13:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-29 04:52:12 UTC


B2BinPay API client for PHP

Accepting Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash , Ethereum, DASH, Litecoin , Monero, NEO, NEM, Ripple , Cardano, Dogecoin, Zcash , Stellar, EOS, TRON , Binance Coin and any ERC20 and stablecoin, NEO tokens in one place!

Build Status Scrutinizer Code Quality Coverage Status


  • B2BinPay account
  • PHP >= 7.1 (If you need 7.0, please, use version 1.1.0)
  • PHP extensions enabled: cURL, JSON

Composer Installation

The easiest way to install the B2BinPay API client is to require it with Composer through command-line:

composer require b2binpay/api-php

or by editing composer.json:

  "require": {
    "b2binpay/api-php": "^1.2"

Local installation

composer install --no-dev
cp .env.example .env

Support currencies

Currency Name Blockchain, links
ADA Cardano Cardano
BCH Bitcoin Cash Bitcoin Cash
BNB Binance Coin Binance Chain, BEP2
BTC Bitcoin Bitcoin
BUSD-ETH Binance USD Ethereum, Stablecoin
DAI-ETH Dai Ethereum, Stablecoin
DASH Dash Dash
DOGE Dogecoin Dogecoin
ETH Ethereum Ethereum
GUSD-ETH Gemini Dollar Ethereum, Stablecoin
LTC Litecoin Litecoin
NEO Neo Neo
PAX-ETH Paxos Standard Ethereum, Stablecoin
TUSD-ETH TrueUSD Ethereum, Stablecoin
USDC-ETH USD Coin Ethereum, Stablecoin
USDT-ETH Tether Ethereum, Stablecoin
USDT-OMNI Tether OMNI, Stablecoin
XLM Stellar Stellar
XMR Monero Monero
XRP Ripple Ripple
ZEC Zcash Zcash

Getting started

See examples with comments in examples/README.md

Create Provider instance

Use the API key and secret to access your B2BinPay account:

$provider = new B2Binpay\Provider(

Test Mode

In order to use testing sandbox, pass true as a third parameter for B2Binpay\Provider:

$provider = new B2Binpay\Provider(

Warning: Sandbox and main gateway have their own pairs of key and secret!

Create a bill

The payment currency is considered to match the currency of your wallet.

Create a new bill:

$bill = $provider->createBill(  
Params Description
WALLET_ID (int) Each wallet is responsible for creating bill only in the currency assigned to it
AMOUNT (string) Amount in the value of the currency being created
CURRENCY (string) See list of supported currencies in the table above
LIFETIME (int) Number in seconds that will set bill to expire from the current creation date
TRACKING_ID (string) Optional. Track for bill tracking. This value will be returned on callback
CALLBACK_URL (string) Optional. URL to which the callback will be sent
SUCCESS_URL (string) _
Optional_. URL to which the user can be sent after successful payment, is used only on the payment page
ERROR_URL (string) _
Optional_. URL to which the user can be sent after unsuccessful payment, is used only on the payment page

Convert currency

You can get actual rates and convert supported currencies respecting your wallet's parameters.

Get rates for BASE_CURRENCY:

$rates = $provider->getRates('BASE_CURRENCY', 'RATE_TYPE');
Params Description
BASE_CURRENCY (string) Optional. Currency to which the rates will be calculated. Default: USD
RATE_TYPE (string) Optional. Receiving the type of rates, for deposit and withdrawal. Default: deposit

Convert currency using actual rates:

$amount = $provider->convertCurrency('AMOUNT', 'BASE_CURRENCY', 'CURRENCY', $rates);
Params Description
AMOUNT (string) The amount in the currency to be converted
BASE_CURRENCY (string) The currency in which the amount is indicated
CURRENCY (string) Currency in which you want to convert the amount
$rates (array) _
Optional_. Current rates. If the parameter is not specified, then the rates will be requested again

Now you can provide $amount variable as a second parameter for createBill() method to set an accurate amount of cryptocurrency.

Add markup

You can add some markup to the existing amount.

Set 10% markup for the current amount:

$amount = $provider->addMarkup($amount, 'CURRENCY', 10);
Params Description
$amount (string) Amount to add markup
CURRENCY (string) Currency in which markup is added
10 (int) Percentage on which to add markup


Once bill status changed, our server can send a callback to your configured Callback URL. Also, you can specify Tracking ID, which will return with the callback to identify the exact order. To do that provide additional parameters to createBill() method:

$bill = $provider->createBill(

Warning: If specified, your Callback URL should return the message "OK" with status 200. Until that payment will not be considered complete!

header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');

Callback verification

You can verify Callback request headers by comparing it with the $provider->verifySign() method output:

$verifySign = $provider->verifySign($_POST['sign']['time'], $_POST['sign']['hash']);
if (!$verifySign) {
    header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');

WARNING: for each callback $ _POST ['sign'] ['hash'] a new one is generated - if you received $ _POST ['sign'] ['hash'] which was already used before, you should throw the same error as for signature verification

Callback body

Bill callback request will contain the following data:

  "data": {
    "id": BILL_ID,
    "address": BLOCKCHAIN_ADDRESS,
    "created": TIME,
    "expired": TIME
    "status": BILL_STATUS,
    "tracking_id": TRACKING_ID,
    "callback_url": URL
    "pow": POW,
    "message": MESSAGE
    "transactions": [
        "id": TRANSACTION_ID,
        "bill_id": BILL_ID,
        "created": TIME,
        "pow": POW,
        "status": TRANSACTION_STATUS,
        "transaction": HASH_TRANSACTION_IN_BLOCKCHAIN,
        "type": 0,
        "currency": {
          "iso": ISO_CODE_CURRENCY,
          "alpha": SYMBOL_CURRENCY
    "currency": {
      "iso": ISO_CODE_CURRENCY,
      "alpha": SYMBOL_CURRENCY
    "sign": {
      "time": TIME,
      "hash": HASH

Withdraw callback request will contain the following data:

  "data": {
    "id": WITHDRAW_ID,
    "virtual_wallet_id": VIRTUAL_WALLET_ID,
    "created": TIME,
    "address": BLOCKCHAIN_ADDRESS,
    "pow": POW,
    "status": WITHDRAW_STATUS,
    "tracking_id": TRACKING_ID
    "unique_id": UNIQUE_WITHDRAW_ID,
    "callback_url": URL
    "message": MESSAGE
    "currency": {
      "iso": ISO_CODE_CURRENCY,
      "alpha": SYMBOL_CURRENCY
    "sign": {
      "time": TIME,
      "hash": HASH

Create a withdrawal

From a virtual wallet, you can make withdrawals to any blockchain, for this you need to specify ADDRESS and CURRENCY.

Create a new withdraw:

$bill = $provider->createWithdrawal(  
Params Description
VIRTUAL_WALLET_ID (int) ID virtual wallet. If the currency of the virtual wallet does not match the currency in which the withdrawal is to be made, the system will automatically convert at the current rate
AMOUNT (string) Amount to be withdrawn
CURRENCY (string) See list of supported currencies in the table above
ADDRESS (string) Blockchain address to which you want to withdraw
UNIQUE_ID (int) Any unique positive number. This number should not be repeated from withdrawal to withdrawal
TRACKING_ID (string) Optional. Track for withdraw tracking. This value will be returned on callback
CALLBACK_URL (string) Optional. URL to which the callback will be sent
MESSAGE (string) Optional. Used for Ripple blockchain, NEM, Stellar, EOS and Binance Chain
WITH_FEE (boolean) _
Optional_. Include the commission in the withdrawal amount. Not all blockchains support this method

System statuses lists

List of bills statuses

Status Description
-2 Failed
-1 Expired
1 Created
2 Paid

List of transactions statuses

Status Description
-4 Waiting for return
-3 Returned
-2 Failed
-1 Expired
0 Pending
1 Sent
2 Approved

List of withdraws statuses

Status Description
-2 Failed
0 Waiting
1 Pending
2 Sent

List of transfers statuses

Status Description
-1 Failed
0 Pending
1 Sent

List of transfers types

Status Description
0 Deposit from blockchain
1 Bank transfer
2 Auto withdraw
3 Withdraw blockchain fee
4 Token payout fee
5 Finance deposit
6 Bank transfer commission
7 Commissions


B2BinPay\API-PHP is licensed under the MIT License.