
Applab Webex Meeting

v1.1 2022-03-15 06:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-15 12:15:41 UTC



Webex meeting

Webex meeting is a package for Laravel 8 which allows you manage webex meeting and invitee over your laravel. The package allows you to manage your events and its attendees with Webex meeting and its invitees.

Below are a full list of features:

  • Meeting
    • Creates a new meeting.
    • List Meetings
    • Retrieves details for a meeting with a specified meeting ID.
    • Update a Meeting
    • Deletes a meeting with a specified meeting ID
  • Invitees
    • Lists meeting invitees for a meeting with a specified meetingId.
    • Invites a person to attend a meeting.
    • Retrieves details for a meeting invitee
    • Retrieves details for a meeting invitee

About Applab

AppLab is a leading company specialized in online platforms development. Online Platforms include Back-end, Databases, Web Applications and Mobile

About Webex Platform

Webex Meetings is a powerful conferencing solution that lets you connect with anyone, anywhere, in real time. By combining video, audio and content sharing, Webex Meetings creates an effective conferencing environment, leading to more satisfying meetings and increased productivity.


Meetings are virtual conferences where users can collaborate in real time using audio, video, content sharing, chat, online whiteboards, and to collaborate.

This API focuses primarily on the scheduling and management of meetings. You can use the Meetings API to list, create, get, update, and delete meetings.

Several types of meeting objects are supported by this API, such as meeting series, scheduled meeting, and ended or in-progress meeting instances. See the Webex Meetings guide for more information about the types of meetings.

What are Integrations?

  • Register your integration with Webex
  • Request permission using an OAuth Grant Flow
  • Exchange the resulting authorization code for an access token
  • Use the access token to make your API calls

Installing Webex Meeting

The recommended way to install Webex Meeting is through Composer.

composer require applab/webex-meeting

Publish configuration and migrations

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Applab\WebexMeeting\WebexMeetingServiceProvider"

The service provider is loaded automatically using package discovery.



The package ships with a configuration file called applab-webex.php which is published to the config directory during installation. Below is an outline of the settings.


Issued when creating your webex app


Remember this guy? You kept it safe somewhere when creating your integration

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within this package, please send an e-mail to Manu Applab via All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.