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Drush commands for GraphQL snapshot testing.

1.1.5 2023-03-23 11:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-23 22:18:08 UTC


We compared this module with @amazeelabs/graphql-schema-test and found no reason to use it:

  • there was a lot of headache with the Domain module
  • tests ran with @amazeelabs/graphql-schema-test take almost same time

Drupal GraphQL Snapshot Testing

A Drush command that runs GraphQL queries against configured GraphQL servers and stores the results in snapshots.


composer require --dev amazeelabs/graphql_snapshot_test


drush help graphql:snapshot:test

Results can be altered from custom modules. See graphql_snapshot_test.api.php

Migration from @amazeelabs/graphql-schema-test

The package is designed to replace @amazeelabs/graphql-schema-test with minimum effort. But you'll have to rewrite all your masking code to PHP 😬

New snapshots should look very close to the old ones. Example:

Old/new snapshot comparison

Tip: Use --servers option if the servers execution order does not match to the old one.