
Alexya's Validator utilities

3.0.5 2017-06-05 13:53 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-25 17:40:07 UTC


Alexya's validator components



The class \Alexya\Validator\Validator provides helpers for validating input.

You'll need to instance a Validator object, add the fields to validate and call the validate method.

Instantiating Validator objects

The constructor can accept as parameter an array of \Alexya\Validator\Ruler objects. You can also add a new ruler using the method addRuler.



$validator = new \Alexya\Validator\Validator([
    new \Alexya\Validator\Rulers\StringRuler(),
    new \Alexya\Validator\Rulers\IntegerRuler()

$validator->addRuler(new \Alexya\Validator\Rulers\GenericRuler());

Adding fields

For adding a field use the method add which accepts as parameter the filed name and its value and returns an object of type \Alexya\Validator\Field which is the field.


Once you've added all the fields use the method validate to validate the fields. If a string is sent as parameter, it will validate the field with that name, if not it will validate all fields. It returns true if all fields have been validated successfully, false if not.

The method getErrors returns an array containing validation errors.



$validator = new \Alexya\Validator\Validator([);
$validator->addRuler(new \Alexya\Validator\Rulers\GenericRuler());
$validator->addRuler(new \Alexya\Validator\Rulers\StringRuler());

$validator->add("username", "test")
          ->addRule("String::required", "Please, enter your username")
          ->addRule("String::min_length", [3], "Your username can't be less than 3 chars")
          ->addRule("String::max_length", [20], "Your username can't be more than 20 chars")
          ->addRule("String::not_contains_chars", ["#$!\\"], "Your password can't contain special chars");
$validator->add("password", "asdf123")
          ->addRule("String::required", "Please, enter your password")
          ->addRule("String::min_length", [3], "Your password can't be less than 3 chars");

if($validator->validate()) {
    echo "All input has been successfully validated"
} else {
    $messages = $validator->getErrors();

    echo "Couldn't validate inputs!";
    foreach($messages as $message) {
        echo $message;


The class \Alexya\Validator\Field represents the field to validate.

Instantiating Field objects

The constructor accepts as parameter the field to validate.

Adding rules

You can add validation rules with the method addRule which accepts three parameters:

  • A string being the rule name.
  • An array containing the parameters to send to the ruler (can be omited).
  • A string being the error message if the field doesn't satisfy the rule.

This method returns an instance of this object for chainability.

Validating fields

Once you've added all rules, use the method validate to validate the field. It accepts as parameter the ruler object with the validation rules and returns true if the validation succeeded, false if not.

The method getErrors returns an array with the validation errors.



$field = new Field("test");
$field->addRule("String::not_empty", "The string can't be empty!");
      ->addRule("String::min_length", [4], "The string can't be shorter than 4 chars!");
      ->addRule("String::max_length", [20], "The string can't be longer than 20 chars!");
      ->addRule("String::matches", ["([0-9A-Z]*)"], "The string must have only numbers and letters!");

if(!$field->validate()) {
    echo implode("\n", $field->getErrors());


The class \Alexya\Validator\Ruler is the base class for all rulers.

A ruler is an object that contains the methods for validating input.

String ruler

The class \Alexya\Validator\Rulers\StringRuler contains validation rules for strings.

Validation Rules:

Rule Parameters Description
not_empty Requires the value to not be empty.
min_length int $i Requires the value to be, at least, $i length.
max_length int $i Requires the value to be less than $i length.
length_between int $min, int max Requires the value to length to be between $min and $max.
contains_chars string/array $chars Requires the value to contain any of the specified chars.
matches string $regex Requires the value to match $regex.
is_email Requires the value to be a valid email.
is_url Requires the value to be a valid url.
is_ip Requires the value to be a valid IP.
is_mac Requires the value to be a valid mac.
is_regex Requires the value to be a valid regex.
is_hash Requires the value to be a valid hash.
is_json Requires the value to be a valid json.

All the rules can start with String::.



$ruler = new \Alexya\Validator\Rulers\StringRuler();

var_dump($ruler->validate("String::not_empty", ""));      // bool(false);
var_dump($ruler->validate("min_length", "test", [4]));    // bool(true);
var_dump($ruler->validate("String::is_ip", "")); // bool(true);

Integer ruler

The class \Alexya\Validator\Rulers\IntegerRuler contains validation rules for integers.

Validation Rules:

Rule Parameters Description
less_than int $min Checks if $value is less than $min.
more_than int $min Checks if $value is more than $min.
between int $min, int $max Checks if $value is between than $min and $max.

All the rules can start with Integer::.



$ruler = new \Alexya\Validator\Rulers\IntegerRuler();

var_dump($ruler->validate("Integer::less_than", 20, [40]));   // bool(false);
var_dump($ruler->validate("more_than", 30, [4]));             // bool(true);
var_dump($ruler->validate("Integer::between", 40, [4, 400])); // bool(true);