
Package to transfer application and monitoring metrics to ELK

1.4.1 2023-07-06 10:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-06 15:16:06 UTC



This package helps to transfer application metrics to elasticsearch to some indices with prepared mappings for metrics fields. Using Kibana on top of elastic gives you an opportunity to create informative dashboards or trigger some monitoring events. You can use it with Laravel applications or with other frameworks. This package is based on official elasticsearch client (


To install through composer, run the following command from terminal:

composer require alexpon92/php2elk-metrics


Register the main package provider in your applications


It gives you an opportunity to publish default config and edit it:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Php2ElkMetrics\Laravel\Providers\Php2ElkMetricsProvider" --tag=config

Also, you may publish another provider to register main package services in your service container:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Php2ElkMetrics\Laravel\Providers\Php2ElkMetricsProvider" --tag=service-provider

It will place package service provider in your App\Providers directory.


  • Create your custom metrics package has BaseMetric class, and all of your metrics must extend this base class.
  • Implement necessary methods:
     * Unique metric name
     * @return string
    abstract public static function getName(): string;

     * Method to convert metric contents to array
     * @return array
    abstract public function arraySerialize(): array;

getName method provides unique metric name.

arraySerialize method helps to serialize metric fields to associative array.

Example of custom metric:

namespace App\Metrics;

use Php2ElkMetrics\Metrics\BaseMetric;
use DateTime;

class SomeVisitDurationMetric extends BaseMetric
     * @var string
    private $userName;

     * @var float
    private $duration;

     * SomeVisitDurationMetric constructor.
     * @param string        $userName
     * @param float         $duration
     * @param DateTime|null $time
    public function __construct(string $userName, float $duration, ?DateTime $time)
        $this->userName = $userName;
        $this->duration = $duration;
        $this->time     = $time; // time is protected field from BaseMetric class

    public static function getName(): string
        return 'some_duration_metric';

    public function arraySerialize(): array
        return [
            'user_name' => $this->userName,
            'duration'  => $this->duration
  • Add your new metrics to metrics registry

If you have published default package provider with command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Php2ElkMetrics\Laravel\Providers\Php2ElkMetricsProvider" --tag=service-provider

You should edit it and add your new metric in register method:

        static function ($app) {
            /** @var Container $app */
            $metricRegistry = new Registry();

            $defaultIndex = config('php2elk-metrics.default_index');
            $defaultConnection = config('php2elk-metrics.connections.default');

                new MetricsConfig(

            return $metricRegistry;
  • Add metric mappings in elasticsearch for your index, for instance in kibana dev console:
PUT <index-name>/_mappings
  "properties": {
    "some_duration_metric": {
      "properties": {
        "user_name": {
          "type": "keyword"
        "duration": {
          "type": "float"

IMPORTANT! If you will not add mapping for new metrics and produce metrics from your application, your new fields will be converted to strings by elastics and you can't use it in aggregations etc., only for concrete search. Only reindex may help in this situation.

  • Now you can produce it in your application
$producer = app(\Php2ElkMetrics\MetricsProducer\MetricsProducer::class);
$metric = new SomeVisitDurationMetric('John', 12.02);

After publish, document in elastic will have next structure:

  "application": "some-app", //may be changed in config
  "instance": "test-instance", //may be changed in config
  "timestamp": 1587735900, //time which is passed in metrics constructor
  "metric_name": "some_duration_metric", //unique metric key, to be able to filter it in elastic index
  "some_duration_metric": { //metric object content
    "user_name": "John",
    "count": 15.02
  • Asynch Metrics producing Package has default listener to produce metric in asynch mode to prevent any additional delays. To use it, you should register Php2ElkMetrics\Laravel\Listeners\MetricsEventListener in your App\Providers\EventServiceProvider in protected $subscribe attribute
$metric = new SomeVisitDurationMetric('John', 12.02);
event(new \Php2ElkMetrics\Events\MetricEvent($metric, new \DateTime()));
  • Bulk metrics producing
$producer = app(\Php2ElkMetrics\MetricsProducer\MetricsProducer::class);
$metricsCollection = new \Php2ElkMetrics\Metrics\MetricsCollection();
    ->add(new SomeVisitDurationMetric('John', 12.02))
    ->add(new SomeVisitDurationMetric('Alex', 30.02));

Create Index and default mappings

Package has artisan command to prepare an index for your metrics:

php artisan php2elk:setup-index {--connection_name=} {--index_name=} {--default_metrics}

--connection_name - to specify connection name from your config (or default connection) --index_name - index name (or default index from config if not passed) --default_metrics - flag to add default package metrics

Package has some default metrics and collectors:

  • Dead rows collector for PostgreSQL \Php2ElkMetrics\Laravel\Collectors\Postgres\DeadRowsMetricsCollector This collector estimates number of dead rows in concrete database and produce Php2ElkMetrics\Metrics\DefaultMetrics\Postgres\TableDeadRowsMetric Also you can use artisan command to launch collection of this metric it in crontab
php artisan php2elk:php2elk:collect-postgres-dead-rows
  • Failed queue jobs collector \Php2ElkMetrics\Laravel\Collectors\FailedQueues\FailedQueuesMetricsCollector This collector estimates number of failed jobs and produce \Php2ElkMetrics\Laravel\DefaultMetrics\FailedQueue\FailedQueueJobsMetric Also you can use artisan command to launch collection of this metric it in crontab
php artisan php2elk:php2elk:php2elk:collect-failed-queues
  • Latency metric \Php2ElkMetrics\Metrics\BaseMetric\LatencyMetric This metric helps to estimate latency of some actions in your application.

Check mappings

To check metrics mappings in elasticsearch package has command

php artisan php2elk:check-mappings

It helps you not to corrupt your index and to check new metrics mappings in elasticsearch before deploy of new version.

Non Laravel users