
The Framework which gives you Less.

v0.2.32 2015-07-02 10:04 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-25 15:50:29 UTC



Run the following

bower install less-framework --save

Then include the standards in your project. At the top of your app.less, include the standards. In a standard installation of Laravel 5.1 this looks a little something like this:

@import "../../../vendor/bower_components/less-framework/standards";

The next time you run gulp, the standards will be imported.


Please view the wiki to find information on the included components:

This package uses bootstrap grid, the documentation of which can be found here:

Initial Setup

It is required to set up your colour scheme. In your app.less file, add the following variables (with your own colours):

@primary: #ff5722;
@primary-toolbar: #E64A19;
@primary-light: #FFCCBC;
@accent: #0091EA;

To effectively choose your colours, it is worth looking here:


It is recommended that you do not update the files in the framework directly, as they will be overwritten when an update is published.

Instead, you should create a modules and/or a components folder within your resources/assets/less. Include any of these within your app.less.