
Provide a metric endpoint to be pulled by Prometheus

Installs: 788

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 2

Watchers: 4

Forks: 1

Open Issues: 2


1.2.0 2024-03-29 18:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 18:54:30 UTC


Build Status

This bundle provides a metric endpoint to be pulled by Prometheus. It uses the prometheus client from PromPHP

It collects the following metrics :

  • Memory in byte per route
  • Number of call to the API per response code
  • Response size in bytes
  • Request execution time in seconds

Response example :

# HELP php_info Information about the PHP environment.
# TYPE php_info gauge
php_info{version="7.3.11-0ubuntu0.19.10.6"} 1
# HELP vdm_sf_app_call_total Number of call to the app
# TYPE vdm_sf_app_call_total counter
vdm_sf_app_call_total{app="app",route=""} 1
vdm_sf_app_call_total{app="app",route="error_route"} 1
vdm_sf_app_call_total{app="app",route="success_route"} 2
# HELP vdm_sf_app_memory_usage Memory in byte per route
# TYPE vdm_sf_app_memory_usage gauge
vdm_sf_app_memory_usage{app="app",route=""} 25165824
vdm_sf_app_memory_usage{app="app",route="error_route"} 25165824
vdm_sf_app_memory_usage{app="app",route="success_route"} 25165824
# HELP vdm_sf_app_response_code_total Number of call to the API per response code
# TYPE vdm_sf_app_response_code_total counter
vdm_sf_app_response_code_total{app="app",route="",http_code="404"} 1
vdm_sf_app_response_code_total{app="app",route="error_route",http_code="500"} 1
vdm_sf_app_response_code_total{app="app",route="success_route",http_code="200"} 2
# HELP vdm_sf_app_response_size Response size in bytes
# TYPE vdm_sf_app_response_size gauge
vdm_sf_app_response_size{app="app",route=""} 305784
vdm_sf_app_response_size{app="app",route="error_route"} 5
vdm_sf_app_response_size{app="app",route="success_route"} 7
# HELP vdm_sf_app_response_time Request execution time in seconds
# TYPE vdm_sf_app_response_time gauge
vdm_sf_app_response_time{app="app",route=""} 81.976890563965
vdm_sf_app_response_time{app="app",route="error_route"} 0.10800361633301
vdm_sf_app_response_time{app="app",route="success_route"} 0.09608268737793


composer require 3slab/vdm-prometheus-bundle

And load the routes in routing.yml :

  resource: "@VdmPrometheusBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
  prefix:   /


Put your configuration in config/packages/vdm_prometheus.yaml file. This is the default :

  app: app
  namespace: vdm
  register_default_metrics: true
  secret: ~
  metrics_path: /metrics
    type: default
Parameter Default Description
vdm_prometheus.app app set the value of the app tag on all metrics
vdm_prometheus.namespace vdm prefix all the metrics' label
vdm_prometheus.register_default_metrics true app PromPHP Prometheus Client default metric
vdm_prometheus.secret null if set, you need to provide the secret as a GET parameter secret or in the
header VDM-Prometheus-Secret to get the detailed result of the metrics in the response body.
vdm_prometheus.metrics_path /metrics Change the path of the metric endpoint.
vdm_prometheus.storage see below Configure the storage to store metrics between requests

Metrics storage

To persist metrics between requests, you have to store them in persistent storage.

The following storage are supported :

  • In Memory (the default)
    type: memory
  • APCu
    type: apcu

You need to have the php module ext-apc installed.

  • Redis
    type: redis
      host: ''
      port: 6379
      timeout: 0.1
      read_timeout: 10
      persistent_connections: false
      password: ~

You need to have the php module ext-redis installed.

  • Custom
    type: custom
    service: my_service_id

With custom storage, you need to provide a Symfony service which implements the PromPHP Storage Adapter Interface

Custom collectors

You can create your own collector if you want to track other information.


This bundle provides a grafana dashboard setup to work with default configuration for settings vdm_prometheus.app and vdm_prometheus.namespace.